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Nationals for Hammond

Updated: Feb 12, 2022

The South Australian Nationals are excited to announce that John Illingworth will be the Nationals Candidate for Hammond at the 2022 state election. State President, Jonathan Pietzsch said, “I’m looking forward to the fight that John will bring to the campaign, a man of integrity and driven by results John will be an outstanding member for Hammond.”

John Illingworth is a family man, married for 36 years, with two adult children He has served his local community as a police officer for 37 years and was humbled to receive the award as Police officer of the Year 2012, for his work in road safety.

Concern over diminishing health services in his region motivates him to fight for increased regional health services - particularly for men’s mental health. Of particular concern to John at the moment is the mechanism for voting at the state election, “Country people are familiar with postal voting, I believe it’s important that we allow all people to access a postal vote at this election to reduce the risk of transmission at polling booths, you can’t sanitize a cardboard box,” John said, “we need to be protecting our vulnerable.”

With both of his daughters having to move away for work, John understand the dilemma parents face when raising a family in the regions and believes that our children should be able to find pathways to employment opportunities, locally. John supports decentralisation of Government services and assistance to build resilience into our local businesses, which is essential to building strong communities and creating growth for the future.

John is a long-term motorsport participant and enthusiast, having been a member of the Murray Bridge Speedway, racing there and at other speedways around the State. He is currently involved in circuit racing at The Bend and Mallala, having previously raced at a number of circuits around Australia.

John supports:

  • Small to medium size businesses, who provide the vast majority of jobs in rural and Regional South Australia.

  • Improving health, education and aged care services.

  • Improving infrastructure and delivery of Government services.

  • Agribusiness, farming and viticulture, as key drivers of regional economies.

  • Restoration and maintenance of native bushland, wetlands and waterways, to protect our threatened and endangered species.

  • Stronger bio-security and proper control of pest animals and weeds

If elected John is committed to forfeiting a tax payer funded vehicle, “I believe it is more

important to be spending money on safer, better regional roads than on perks for



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