Emma Richards for the Upper House

Emma Richards is a cultural consultant/Artist and researcher, raised in Port Lincoln and is a proud descendant of the Barngarla/Nauo and Wirangu first nations people of the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia.
Emma runs her own cultural consultancy business called Yalanyi Wilya- meaning (SeaBeach Spirit) and has been a researcher/cultural educator for 10 years with the Rural Medical School within the University of Adelaide. She also has a creative arts and design program called Maba Idi – meaning (To Create) - which has provided her with a variety of artistic opportunities to engage creatively with her local community on various levels. Emma is a passionate mother of four children, and a proud grandmother with strong beliefs of the importance of family, community, and heritage values.
As an active community leader, Emma is passionate about providing solutions and influence change for a better community for all - including empowering youth and community leadership, bringing the focus back to families and community and being an inclusive voice of the people that will influence change on all levels.